Laxminath Bezbaruah:

There are many ways in which you can improve your self-confidence, but the most important thing is to improve your self-confidence. There are many ways in which you can improve your self-confidence. There are many ways to get a job in the field of architecture, but the most important thing is to get a job in the field of architecture. One of his unique creations bearing the signature of the poet’s heart is ‘Kadamkali’ The poem was first in 1913. In the introduction to the book, the poet himself says, “Poetry is, if not, if not, this book is done in the same place, not to be a poet. I like to read my own works, probably seeing myself. Because they are scattered, I am difficult to read. Therefore, the second collection of poems by Bezbarua is ‘Padumkali’. There are twenty-seven poems. You can get a sense. Bezbarua’s poems are found in ‘Kadamkali’ (1913) and then in ‘Banhi’ Some of those poems are written by Bezbaruah and others have written. There is no identity of true poetry,it is the humorous Bezbaruah; But the previous kind of poems introduced Bezbarua as a romantic poet.
The 1889 magazine, published in Assamese literature, created an era in Assamese literature. The main purpose of this article is to discuss how romanticism in the poems of Laxminath Bezbarua, one of the emblems of this era.
