Meat pulao meat pulao Some Information | How to Make meat pulao |

Meat polao

Ingredients: 4 cups, 2 tablespoons of ghee, 2 cups of nut oil, 8 slice of onion, 8 teaspoons of garlic, according to salt taste, sugar and tea leaves, 1 lemon and coriander powder.

Recipe: For polao, take 2 ground onions. Grind ginger. Remove the nuts. Wash the rice and remove the water. clean
Open the rice on the paper and dry excess water. Add the rice in a bowl and add a little jaggery and spices and lemon juice. Cook the meat on the other hand. Heat a deskchit oil. Add the tea leaves and chop the rest of the onion in the oil. Fry the rest of the spices and nuts. Give the rice. Add a little water, stir again, add the meat and add salt to taste and cook over a little heat. Sprinkle a little hot spices on top.

Language : English