BapiramThe subject of the story :

The story of the story of the character of Tilka and the Sahab of the traditional Dighaliting Bagicha of the society, the Sahab of Khatnia’s brother, said in the story of the story of silent support in this system. Bhudhar does not want to give up the greed of jobs and only Rs. 1,0 But Bapi is also opposed to the secrets to hand over Tilka to the sahib. Bapiram, an ordinary servant, has spoken out and interfered with his actions and received the killing of Chaparasi as a prize. However, Bapiram did not change his decision and went to jail at least half dead, Bhudhar had to leave his job and return home and the sahib went to his country. But for a person who is considered ordinary, a woman’s life like Tilaka did not have to be the material for a sahib’s pleasure. The simple village girl, Tilaka, would have faded before she understood what life, she didn’t have to fall into the trap of possible danger. Bapiram is a small person but his knowledge of life is so much. There was nothing wrong with that. There was nothing wrong with that. Bhudhar understands his mistake and after his jail is jailed, Bapiram is embraced again. An important social problem is described, but it can be solved by carrying a message and drawing human importance. “It is a rare example in the paintings of Bezbarua and the image of the human relationship of the E-et special era; The background of Bapiram’s story is the original age of British rule in Assam. There are many reasons why you shouldn’t buy these products. These are the reasons why you shouldn’t buy these products. These are the reasons why you shouldn’t buy these products. These are the reasons why you shouldn’t buy these products. -The Contest of ‘Bapiram’ by Bezbarua’s ‘Bapiram”
