The ethics is the interpretation of morality and philosophy.

The ethics is the combination of morality and philosophy. Ethics in ethics is a philosophical discussion. Therefore, it is also called moral philosophy ( Moral Philosophy). There are many ways to get a job, but the most important thing is to have a job that is worth your time and effort. There are many ways to get a job, but the most important thing is to have a job that is worth your time and effort. , judging analysis is the elective of the people living in society as a whole. Therefore, it is said that the ‘good’, ‘based’, ‘bad’,’Uthi’.’Noy’, ‘Anyayo’, ‘Anormaative) of the voluntary actions of the voluntary actions living in the society in philosophy is called the ethics or moral philosophy. According to William Lilie, ”’ In daily conversations, ethics discusses the right meaning of words such as ‘good’, ‘corruption’ and ‘well’ in everyday conversation” KIND of Question with Which Ethics Deals – What is the True Meaning of Such Words as ‘Good ‘, ‘Ought white ir Used so Commonly Introduction to EveryDay Conversation. W. Lillie : An introduction to Ethics. And to clearly understand, you must judge the verbal meaning of the ethics, or the evaluated meaning. English synonyms for ethics