NCERT Class 2 English Solution | Come Back Soon | NCERT Class 2 English Chapter 5 All0 Question Answer

Chapter 5

Come Back Soon

1.Have you ever travelled by a bus or a train?


2. Where did you go?


3.What did you eat on the way?


4.What did you see from the window?


5.Who else went with you?


6.Did you have fun? Share it with the class.


A. Listen to your teacher and read out a poem.

Everybody stop,
Everybody stand,
Everybody sit,
and raise your hand.

Everybody jump,
Everybody run,
Everybody stop,
Oh! What fun

Make a List

Sort out the different means of transport given in the boxes depending on the surface they move on. the first one has been done for you.

bus, car, aeroplane, train, jeep,
ship, boat ,bicycle, helicopter, truck

yacht, cart, raft, taxi, tractor

Land air water