NCERT Class 3 English Answer | Chapter 8 | Life Around Us

 Life Around Us

Chapter 8 

Let us speak 

A Say aloud 

   1. Sit outside your home, or in an open space and watch 

    the clouds go by. Next tell the class what you saw.

   2. What are the colours of clouds? Tick the colours that 

      clouds can be.

   white                  grey 

   red                      green

   black                  blue 

Let us write

A. Answer the following questions.

     1. In the poem, what animals did the child see as he 

        looked up at the clouds?

       The child could see ________________________________

    2. What do you see in the sky during the day?

           Write any three things you see.

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

   3. What do you see in the sky at night? 

        ____________________________________________________                       ____________________________________________________