NCERT class 10 (Words and Expressions 2) chapter 7 Answer। Madam rides the Bus। English Medium

Chapter 7

Q.1. What is the meaning of the expression “when our peers were slowing down, relaxing and watching sunsets from their front porch” and in what context has the author used this? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Q.2. What made Vishav and her husband confident to venture into Uttarakhand on their bicycles? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Q.3. What was the strong passion that prompted the retired couple to take up this adventurous journey?  _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 

Q.4. What, according to the author, is the most thrilling way to enjoy and appreciate Uttarakhand? Why does she say so?

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Q.5. Which trail occupies a special place in the couple’s heart? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Q.6. What are the expectations of a cyclist from such an adventurous trip through the mountains? Did Vishav and Kamal Jeet get these experiences from the 100 km ride? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 

Q.1. The poem describes the________________________of going downhill on a bicycle.

 (a) enjoyment 

(b) happiness

 (c) excitement

 (d) satisfaction 

Q.2. Which line(s) depict the freedom like that of a bird that the poet enjoys? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 

Q.3. Which is the experience the boy is sharing with the bird? What is the golden moment he is referring to?

 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

 Q.4. What is the meaning of ‘full of bliss’ here? Can the boy find this kind of bliss in the world where he lives?

 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

 Q.5. There is a comparison in the third stanza. What is it? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

 Q.6. What is the meaning of the last two lines of the poem? Does “toil” mean dedication, determination, and will power to climb the hill? What is the reward here?

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

1. Find out the words from the text ‘Madam rides the Bus’ that match with the given meanings. 

(a) inquisitive __________________________________

 (b) intricate __________________________________ 

(c) mesmerizing __________________________________

 (d) immense __________________________________

 (e) hardly __________________________________  

1. Read the two sentences given below. The groups of words in italics are phrasal verbs.

This way she picked up various small details.

 Valli said, “I am the one to get on.”

 The verbs picked and get are combined with up and on respectively. Together they make phrasal verbs.

 Now, complete each sentence using a verb from box A and a word from box B (by making a phrasal verb). Use the correct form of the verb wherever necessary.

A break, drive, get, fill, wake, turn                                                           B out, down, off, on, in, up

(a) It was evening. She__________________________the light.

 (b) Do not ______________________Ramesh. He was studying late at night yesterday. 

(c) The school bus______________________and had to be towed to the garage for repair.

 (d) They got in the car and_________________________. (e) She hurt herself as she was________________________of the car.

 (f) You have to__________________________the form yourself 

1. The land of Mizo is a large open area of_________________. The hills are________________and________________.   

2. The state referred here is made of two names— 

(a) ‘Mi’ means _____________________________. 

(b) ‘Zo’ means _____________________________.

(c) and Mizoram means _____________________________.

3. Which activities are associated with Mizo festivals? How do Mizos enjoy these festivals? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 

4. What are the special features of a Mizo dance? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

5. The following statements characterise Mizo people. Tick the one which is not true.

 (a) Mizos have a beautiful culture. ( )

 (b) They live in a beautiful natural environment. ( ) 

(c) They are a protective people. ( )

 (d) They are a vibrant people. ( )

 (e) They love to dance and not so much to sing. ( )]

 (f) They have a number of community and folk dances. ( )

 (g) The community involvement and participation is always there. ( )

1. Read Part II of the story ‘Madam Rides the Bus’. There are many conversations between Valli, the conductor, and some elderly people in the bus. Convert the conversations into dialogues between the characters. Many words like commandingly, haughtily, loudly (shouted), smilingly, irritably, curtly etc. have been used in this part. These are the different ways in which the characters have spoken. These show the mood, emotion, and intention of the characters.

 Now, write the dialogues and then in groups of three, enact it as a skit in the class.

It was a fine spring afternoon. The bus was just on the verge of leaving the village. Valli, a small eight year old girl, wanted to go on a bus ride. 

Valli (loudly): Stop the bus!

 Stop the bus! Conductor (without looking up): Who is it? Hurry then! Valli (loudly): It’s me, I am the one who has to get on the bus. Conductor (smilingly): Oh. really!_________________________ 

Valli (commandingly): I have to_________________________ 

Here is________________________________________________.

 (Conductor stretched out his hand to help her up.)

 Valli (smartly): I can_____________________________________ 

Conductor (jokingly): Oh, please__________________________

 (The bus started to move forward with a roar. Valli stood up on the seat to see the outside world clearly.) A voice (anxiously): Listen, child_________________________

 Valli (haughtily): There is nobody________________________

 Conductor (smilingly): Oh, sir____________________________ 

Valli (angrily): I am ______________________________________

 Conductor (mimicking her):______________________________

 Valli (steadfastly): Because I______________________________

 A voice (with concern): If you_____________________________

 Valli (irritably): I’m not___________________________________

2. Two communicative tasks are given below. Practice with your partner.

Communicative Task I

 (Offering, accepting and refusing help)

 Role Play

Chaman : Hello Prem. You look tired. Is there anything I

can do to help you?

Prem : Thank you very much. I think I can manage. I

am preparing a chart on Children’s Rights.

Chaman : It’s a lot of work. Let me help you.

Prem : Thank you. But I’ve already collected all the

necessary information.

Chaman : I can help you in illustrating some of the rights.

Prem : Oh, can you? That sounds wonderful.

Chaman : Could you tell me the themes to be illustrated?

Prem : Here you are. I’m really thankful to you.

Chaman : What about children’s duties?

Prem : Oh, yes. It’s a good suggestion. I’ll list their duties also. Chaman : Thank you.

Pair or Group Work

 Write conversations like the one above imagining you are in the classroom. Use the clues given below.

 • Excuse me…

 • Yes? •

 I wonder if you could lend me our dictionary. I’m doing my class work.

 • I’m sorry. I’m using it right now. May be later.

 • That’s okay. Thanks anyway. 

Write similar conversations imagining you are in the following situations: in the kitchen; at the railway station; asking somebody to open the door; in a hospital; in the playground.

Communicative Task II

 (Asking for information, indirect questions and question tags)

 Role Play Vineet : Could you get me some warm clothes from the cupboard, please?

 Ashima : Are you feeling cold?

 Vineet : It’s cold today, isn’t it?

 Ashima : Yes, it is. I shall have to light the fire soon. Vineet : Oh, you have coal-fires, do you?

 Ashima : Yes. We don’t have a room heater. You have room heaters, don’t you?

Veneet : Yes. We do. But coal-fires are nice. They are more comforting than a radiator, aren’t they?

 Ashima : Yes, but there is a lot more work than just switching on a heater. We keep talking about getting room heaters.

 Vineet : I suppose coal-fires aren’t very convenient, are they?

 Ashima : They certainly aren’t.

1. Read the quick tips for travelling by a bike given below.

 When you travel by a bike, Vishav says that the frame and tyres of the bike should be according to the rider’s height. One should carry a hand pump, extra tubes, and a puncture kit for emergency situations. Right accessories such as sweat-resistant gloves, helmets, knee and elbow pads, and a pair of shoes is of utmost importance. It is also necessary to carry essentials like dry food, water, and Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS). A first-aid kit with pain killers, muscle relaxing balms, and band-aids are also advisable. Now, prepare a list of things that you would like to suggest to people who want to travel by:

(a) a train 

(b) a bus

 (c) a boat

 (d) a motorbike

 (e) on foot (for example a trek)

2. A. Copies of some tickets are given here. Collect some more train tickets, bus tickets, flight tickets, platform tickets, entry tickets for the zoo, cinema hall, metro rail etc. 

• Make a collage.

 • Study the information given in these tickets.

 • Draw a table to enter the information like PNR number, time of departure, time of arrival, confirmed ticket, waitlisted ticket, RAC status in train, seat number, food preferences, price of the ticket, number of passengers, etc. 

• How are these tickets different from each other? B. Write a paragraph on ‘Why it is essential to travel with a ticket?

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