NCERT class 11 (Psychology) chapter 1 Answer। What is Psychology। English Medium

What is Psychology? 

Chapter 1

Review Questions

1. What is behaviour? Give examples of overt and covert behaviour.


2. How can you distinguish scientific psychology from the popular notions about the discipline of psychology?


3. Give a brief account of the evolution of psychology.

4. What are the problems for which collaboration of psychologists with other disciplines can be fruitful? Take any two problems to explain.


5. Differentiate between (a) a psychologist and a psychiatrist (b) a counsellor and a clinical psychologist.


6. Describe some of the areas of everyday life where understanding of psychology can be putto practice.


7. How can knowledge of the field of environmental psychology be used to promote

environment friendly behaviour?


8. In terms of helping solve an important social problem such as crime, which branch of psychology do you think is most suitable. Identify the field and discuss the concerns of the psychologists working in this field.
