NCERT Class Practical Work in Geography Chapter 3 “Latitude, Longitude and Time” Solution |

Latitude, Longitude and Time


1. Answer the following questions in about 30 words:

I. Which are the two natural points of references on the earth?


II. What is a great circle?


III. What are coordinates?


IV. Why does the sun appear to be moving from east to west?


V. What is meant by local time?


2. Distinguish between latitudes and longitudes.


1. Find out the locations of the following places with the help of your

atlas and write their latitudes and longitudes.

Place Latitude Longitude

I. Mumbai

II. Vladivostok

III. Cairo

IV. New York

V. Ottawa

VI. Geneva

VII. Johannesburg

VIII. Sydney

2. What would be the time of the following cities if the time at Prime

Meridian is 10 a.m.

I. Delhi

II. London

III. Tokyo

IV. Paris

V. Cairo

VI. Moscow