Urban (Estblishment of Towns) :

There were many small cities in the Middle Ages. These cities were located near the fortress of the feudal lord or by the Christian church. The security of these cities depended on the leader and they controlled these fortresses. There was a shortage of people at the time and the people bought the necessary items from the local market. With the beginning of the modern era and new discoveries, Europeans established trade relations with India and the United States. At that time, the United States was called the New World. Gold, silver and many other valuables were imported from the United States to Europe. In addition, the raw materials required for European factories were supplied from India and the United States and for that purpose many business centers and cities were established in Europe where manufacturing factories were established. Later, these commercial centers improved to big cities. The rule of these cities came into the hands of the king instead of the feudal leaders and the kings conducted various administrative methods. Science and technology developed rapidly in these cities. The development of all aspects of cities gave birth to a new civilization in Europe and this was called urban civilization. The life of such a fellow civilization was completely different from the people under the influence of feudal leaders or medieval civilizations. In Europe, various varieties helped to develop such urban civilization. New geographical discoveries employed people in discovering new maritime routes and this led to urban civilization. The development of business relations in different states and the establishment of commercial bases contributed to the development of urban civilization. The increase in production of entrepreneurs encouraged the establishment of new large factories and strengthened Europe’s economic base.

Large factories were flocking from village to city to work in large bananas. This led to an increase in the population of the urban. Various occupations prevalent in the urban helped to rise in the middle class. Various banks and companies were established to assist the financial and technology of the businessmen and ugly. The rulers had to set up new schools, colleges and hospitals under the increasing population. As time went on, capitalists and workers formed an organization together to maintain their existence.

Medium class government officials, small merchants, teachers, lawyers, doctors, etc., created by the birth of the city, were formed. With this class of intelligence and money, the rulers could protect themselves from the feudal clutches. This led to the disappearance of feudal practices from many states of Europe and the establishment of the national monarchy. The birth of the city paved the way for local autonomy and new methods and ways of administration to solve the problems of the people. Communications and transportation systems were improved.

Language -(English)