Economic Difference : Economic Difference

Industry and tracts were not improved in Europe in the Middle Ages due to lack of resources and raw materials, communication and transportation. However, in modern transportation, the people of Europe traveled various foreign countries. Traders imported raw materials from abroad to produce various goods in their own country’s factory and were able to get a lot of profit by sending them to the colonies. This led to the establishment of various mills and factories in Europe. With the improvement of trade and commerce, various economic organizations (banks) were established and these helped traders economically. This led to a commercial revolution in Europe. In the Middle Ages, the feudal leaders were involved in conflict with each other and could not pay attention to business. However, with the modern era, European merchants were engaged in commercial competitions under government sponsorship. This led to the expansion of trade in European states. Europeans discovered new places for commercial purposes.
He established business centers in different parts of the world. Wars were also occupied by many countries in the establishment of various business centers or colony of the world. This led to imperialism in the world.

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