The philosopher who has made important contributions to the development of practical policy department is Peter Singer, an ostealian philosopher.

The philosopher who has made important contributions to the development of practical policy department is Peter Singer. He is called Pioneer, the main pioneer of the practical or usual policy. Singah’s practical or practical principles are emphasized on the practical problems of morality. His book ‘Practical Ethics’ initially refers to practical principles that refer to the scriptures that the scriptures “the scriptures for ethnic minorities, for women for women, the use of animals for food, natural environment, abortion, compassion, compassion, and poverty. There are many ways to get a job, but the most important thing is to get a job that is worth your time and effort. There are many ways to get a job, but the most important thing is to get a job that is worth your time and effort. The Poor.“ P, 1.). Peter Sanga is to apply to various problems of human life but not limited to the theoretical discussion. In order to define practical or useful policy, Vincient varie says, “This is a scripture that works to try to showcase special moral problems and rationality “(APPLIED Ethics is the Attempt to Explain and Justimly Probelems On Specifications on Specifications on Specifications On Specific Moral Probelems. According to the principle of the principle of the logical policy, which is the work of which is the work of the neat life-lived principles on the ethics to apply various standards”. In the Actual Circumstances of the Moral Life, so it can be seen, an idealistic science on the use of moral rules for the resolution of any particular personal or social problem in a particular situation and the environment. As an idealistic science, practical policy is to analyze and assess human behavior on the basis of moral standards.
