
Sidhai Khatnia’s funny girl is Tilaka. Ghatmauri Tilaka lived a normal life with her uncles and aunts. His father was a wealthy, intellectual person. After his death, Bhudhar had to take responsibility for Tilka. She has been raising her since childhood. As soon as he was eighteen years old, the news of the tilka’s appearance spread all around. This news came to the ears of Scott Shah and he arranged for Bhudhar to marry Tilaka by rebuking them. ‘There are many ways to get a job, but the most important thing is to get a job. There are many ways to get a job, but the most important thing is to get a job. Ajli, tilkai did not know how to break through the net of the male society. Tilka was ready to go with Bhudhar in the hope of seeing a new place. She grew up around the walls of the house, and she doesn’t understand anything about society, so
Laxminath Bezb is normal for her. The character is therefore presented by Bezbaruah in general. But later, seeing and hearing everything, Tilka came to the body. Bapiram managed to save her from falling into the sword of the sahib. After returning to Joktali, Tilaka was happy to worship God, the benefits of others, the benefits of the others, the religion, and the sacredness of others. The character has been brought to light for a short period of time but the story is surrounded by Tilaka. Without the widow, the story would have no meaning. Finally, like ‘Patamugi’, Tilaka is looking for the purpose of living her life. So it cannot be kept in the ranks of stable characters.
Bezbaruah wants to show that there is Laxminath Bezbakar. The storyteller is completely successful in this regard. Therefore, it is important to take full responsibility for the household in the absence of Khatnia, and the family is not unfair to be injustice. The owner is beaten according to his words and is trying desperately to rescue the land he has received since childhood in times of trouble. “I am born in the hands of the elders or unnecessarily, but I am born to eat the leto, the slap, the slap. Listen to me, my little father. You leave this job of this heretic and take your wife and bhatiji from this hell today. Religion has not disappeared at all in the world.” It is because of some indifferent, simple-minded social reformers who have dedicated our lives to others. In the story, Bezbaruah has made a happy ending and the way to solve the problem.
