Write the meaning of educational measurement. Describe its needs in education.

See Answer No. 15 for Part I. Need for measurement in education: The traditional tests prevalent in the field of education for measuring acquired knowledge are full of flaws in various aspects and cannot be said to be properly measured by such tests. Therefore, the process of reforming the traditional test taking method and introducing new and improved measurement methods has become very dynamic. Such tests are mainly subjective or impersonal in nature. This means that the introduction of new nature of subject-oriented or impersonal tests at various stages and levels of education has been accelerated for the systematic analysis of acquired knowledge. Traditional essay tests have been criticized for being subjective and not able to evaluate the knowledge acquired through pure processes. In such examinations, students are required to answer questions in essay form and the assessment of these tests varies according to the mental state, knowledge and experience of the examiners on the subject matter Language: English