WBBSE Class 5 English Chapter 3 An April Day Solution | Bengali Medium

Class 5 English Chapter 3 Solution

An April Day

1. Very Short Question Answer

1. Write the full name of the poet.

Ans: The full name of the poet is Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

2. What does the warm sun bring?

Ans: The warm sun brings seedtime and harvest.

3. When do the seed-time and harvest begin?
Ans: The seed-time and harvest begin in the spring time when the sun is warm.

 What does the sapling draw?

Ans: The sapling draws its sustenance from soil.

6. From where does the sapling collect its source of life?

Ans: The sapling collects its source of life from the earth’s loosened mould.

. What does winter’s cold do to the tree?

Ans: Winter’s cold deeply affects the heart of the tree and makes the tree droop.

9. What time of the day do you think it is happened “the green slope throws its shadows in the hollows of the hills”?
Ans: “The green slope throws its shadows in the hollows of the hills” during sunset.

11. Where do the birds glance quick?

Ans: The birds glance quick in the bright sun.

12. Where does the softly warbled song come from?

Ans: The softly warbled song comes from the pleasant woods.

13. Who fills the silver woods?

Ans: The bright sunset fills the silver woods with light.

14. Who throws its shadows and where?

Ans: The green slope throws its shadows in the hollows of the hill.

15. What happens when the bright sunset fills the silver wood with light?
Ans: When the bright sunset fills the silver wood with light, the green slope throws its shadows in the hollows of the hill and the upland glows widely.

2. Short Question Answer

1. What pleasure do you think is there in closely observing nature?

Ans: I think that the beauty of nature can have a profound effect upon our senses. There is a unique kind of feeling in observing nature closely such as awe, wonder or amazement. When I think of beauty in nature, the natural things dazzle my senses – the prominence of a mountain, the expanse of the sea, the unfolding of the life of a flower etc. These things give me pleasure.

2. How would you feel on a warm sunny day, walking through a green wood?

Ans: I would feel blessed myself walking through a green wood, on a warm sunny day especially in spring season when flowers bloom and a variety of vegetation is seen sprouting all over the plain. I would thank God for making this world so beautiful and giving me an opportunity to be present there.

3. Why do you think the poet “loves the season well?”
Ans: The poet. “loves the season well” because forest glades are teeming with bright forms and dark and many-folded clouds do not foretell the coming – on of storms.

4. Why is it sweet to visit the wood during springtime?
Ans: It is sweet to visit the wood during springtime because the warm sun brings seed-time and harvest and the first flower of the plain blooms during this period.

 5. Why do you think the poem is titled “An April Day”? Suggest an alternative title.

Ans: The poet basically describes all the beautiful things that can be seen during one day in April. The poet celebrates the beauty of nature in spring such as the flowers, forests, saplings, the morning, the evening etc. He also expresses his ever lasting love for this-time of year. So I think that the poem is titled” An April Day.” The alternative title is ‘A Day in April”.

6. Why do you think the poem is titled “An April Day”? Suggest an alternative title.
Ans: The poet basically describes all the beautiful things that can be seen during one day in April. The poet celebrates the beauty of nature in spring such as the flowers, forests, saplings, the morning, the evening etc. He also expresses his ever lasting love for this-time of year. So I think that the poem is titled” An April Day.” The alternative title is ‘A Day in April”.

3. Fill In The Blanks

1. He here for the last two years. (worked, is working, has been working)

2. The baby     been crying, had cried) all morning. (cries, has

3.    for a long time before we went to school. (had been raining, rained, rains)

4. The passengers of the train     when the accident occurred. (slept, had been sleeping, sleep)

 5. suppose it      when we start. (rain)

6. He       us next week. (meet)

7. She   Jamshedpur by then. (reach)

8. This book is not fat, I       it by lunch  time. (read) 


(1) will be raining, (2) will be meeting, (3) will have reached, (4) shall have read (5) has been working, (6) has been crying, (7) had been raining, (8) had been sleeping.

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