Garden Spinach English Name : Garden Spinach Scientific Name : Beta vulgaris vart, benghalensis

Nature: This vegetable usually grows in the soil near the house. It is cultivated for eating as a vegetable. Pirali eggplant is a vegetable plant with many branches, soft and juicy stems. It grows beautifully in left places or in the backyard. It looks a little like an ordinary eggplant but grows into a branched shrub. The leaves are oblong-ovate or lanceolate and the flowers are pink.

Properties: It has beautiful skin, improves vision, strengthens nerves, increases blood cells, prevents heart disease, strengthens muscles, relieves constipation, gives energy to the body, strengthens bones etc. Mixing eggplant and fenugreek with soybeans is satisfying and provides a lot of nutrients to the body. Its leaves are used to treat anemia.

Cooking : Pirali eggplant is a vegetable with edible properties. Pirali can be eaten in fish soup with carrots and eggplant. It doesn’t take long to cook, it cooks easily. They can also be eaten as a vegetable with lentils and smoked peas. Finely chopped onion and garlic are cooked. It grows beautifully when you cut the roots of the pirali paleng. This vegetable is usually grown near the fields and can be picked from time to time as it grows throughout the year. Mixing eggplant and fenugreek with soybeans is satisfying and provides a lot of nutrients to the body. It can also be eaten with fish.