Mint English Name : Mint Scientific Name : Mentha arvensis

Nature: It is no exaggeration to say that mint is almost everywhere. Mint grows best in sandy soils. It is a flat and slightly herbaceous vegetable. It has numerous branches. It usually grows best in slightly dry places. It is an aromatic plant.

Properties: Mint improves beautiful skin, improves vision, strengthens nerves, increases blood cells, prevents heart disease, strengthens muscles, relieves constipation, strengthens the body and strengthens bones in many ways. Mint has many medicinal properties. The juice of the leaves is used to relieve tastelessness. They are used to treat stomach ulcers, acid reflux disease and constipation. To make mint sauce, add a couple of cloves of garlic, raw pepper, spicy sesame seeds or spicy mango to taste and add a little salt. Mint is used to treat dysentery, ascites, and vomiting. Grind mint and sprinkle a little juice to get rid of flies inside the house.

Mint is a very useful vegetable like coriander, honeydew etc. Its juice can be added to various porridges and fries. Mint is best eaten with mango spicy or crab spicy or other spicy sauces. In some areas, mint leaves are used as a spice and sprinkled on cooked food like coriander. Fried rice with mint can be eaten fried with ground mint.