Anulom-Bilom | Yoga |


Breathing through the left nostril and air through the right nose. This Purak and Rachk process is Anulom-Bilom. This is also called the Bacri.

How to do it – first sit in Sukhsana or Padmasana. Close the pores of the right nose with the thumb of your right hand and breathe through the left nose. Then stop the left nostrils with anonymous and middle finger and pick up the thumb from the right nose. Take air through the right nose and release it through the left nose. This will continue to do this once through the left nose, and once through the right nose. This pranayama should be done for three to five minutes and then practice for five consecutive minutes. It can be done for five to thirty minutes.

Anulom-Bilom pranayama makes vessels clean, all types of arthritis, neurological diseases, kidney disease, watery cough, tonsils, asthma, chronic fever, and even the heart blockaded.

Language : English