WBBSE Class 6 English Chapter 3 Solution | Bengali Medium

Class 6 English Chapter 3 Solution

The Rainbow 

Very short Question Answer

a. Which, according to the poet, is the prettiest of all objects mentioned in the poem?
Ans: According to the poet, the rainbow is the prettiest of all objects mentioned in the poem.

b. What is prettier than boats, ships and clouds?

Ans: A rainbow is prettier than boats, ships and clouds.

c. What are the clouds compared to?

Ans: Ships and boats are compared to the clouds.

d. How do you think the rainbow builds a road from the earth to the sky?
Ans  I think the rainbow builds a road from the earth to the sky, because it overtops the trees.

Short Question Answer

► Write two sentences on the use of each, of them.

Ans. Umbrella: An umbrella is made of bamboo stick or wood or steel and cloth and thin sticks of iron or steel. We use it to save our body, particularly the head and upper part of body from rain or sun.

Raincoat: A raincoat is made of a special kind of cloth. It is better than an umbrella in case of protecting our whole body.

Water-proof shoes: A pair of water-proof shoes is essential on a rainy day. It protects our feet from mud and water and keeps them healthy.

Boat : A boat is used in the rainy season when floods appear. In the flood hit areas boats are used for transporting the victims to safe place .

Long Question Answer

Hints: time of the day-place-the clear, cloudless sky-how the rainbow looks like colours of the rainbow-your feelings

Ans: It was around 1 p.m. The sunny sky was cloudy. My lunch was just over. Then came a stormy wind. It was followed by a heavy rainfall. It continued for half an hour. The sky became cloudless. I went to the top floor with my elder brother. What a beautiful scene! The rainbow! A bow so bright with wonderful colours! My elder brother told me all about it. There are seven colours. They are together called VIBGYOR-Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red.


► Suppose you are standing on a bridge looking down. Write a paragraph in about sixty words describing the things that you see below
Ans: I stood on the Howrah Bridge (Ravindra Setu). I was enjoying the sunset from the bridge. Suddenly, my eyes fell downwards. What a beautiful sight! The overcrowded steamers wore a magnificent look. Some were moving towards the north and some were towards the south. All were likely to return home. I could see only the black- heads. Two big steamers soon passed by. There were boats too on the river. All these looked very small from above. I was too romantic! My eyes were running behind one after another. I forgot that I stood on the Howrah Bridge and it was about 6 p.m.

Fil in the blanks

a. We see clouds in the sky.

b. The sky gets clear after rain.

c. An arrow is shot from a bow.
d. White is the symbol of peace.


Circle the collective nouns and underline the abstract nouns in the following

i. The feet move across the ocean.

ii. Honesty is the best policy.

iii. A troop came marching on.

iv. The old man is known for his wisdom.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given verbs in the brackets

ii. My father did his work last night. (do)

iii. They are going to the playground. (go)

iv. The football match was seen by many people. (be)

Complete the following sentences with information from the text

Ans: a. Boats sail on the rivers.

b. The sailing boats and ships are less beautiful than the clouds.

c. Bridges are built over the rivers.
d. The bow builds a road from the earth to the sky.

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