Kapalbhati | Yoga |


The forehead, the brain and the bhati, means bright, blood or ava. This means that when you do pranayama, the brain or the forehead is brightened. Just as Bhastra pranayama is emphasized on breathing, so on the breath or rashak is also placed on the pranayama. Sit in the Padmasana or Siddhashan and put your hands on your knees. This time you have to pull the breath to the navel and get out as much as possible with full concentration. It is as if the inner air is told you to go outside as fast as possible. This will make a stomach up and down at a pace. This means that the abdominal activity must be made as clear as possible. Muladhar, Swadhisthitan and Manipur will be smooth and expanded during the breathing. This pranayama needs to have very little purse minute carb. Then increase the time slowly. This pranayama can prevent phlegm diseases, sinuses, thyroid, cancer, heart, brain, lung diseases.

Language : English