AJB Class 6 English Chapter 5 Answer Revision Test 1

Lesson 5

  1. Underline all nouns in the following sentences and write whether they are prope noun, common noun, abstract noun, material noun or collective noun.

i)…Asha is a brave.girl…

ii) Dogs are faithful animals.

iii) This chain is made of gold.

iv) Mumbai is a very big city.

v) Everyone likes him for his honesty.

vi) The Brahmaputra is a very big river of Assam.

vii) We prepare chapati from flour.

viii) Patience is a great quality.

ix) An elephant has immense strength.

x) Water has no colour.

xi) A herd of cattle is grazing in the field.

xii) I see a flock of birds flying in the sky.

xiii) This is a very beautiful bouquet of flowers.

xiv) She is drinking milk.

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense form of the verbs given in brackets.

i) He generally—- (speak) Hindi.

ii) I —- (take) my breakfast just now.

iii) She —- (wait) for her brother when I saw her.

iv) I—- (go) to your house tomorrow.

v) My sister —- (do) her homework now.

vi) He—-(purchase) a new car already.

vii) We — (go) to Delhi in the last summer vacation.

viii) They —- (watch) television now.

ix) My mother —- never —- (drink) coffee.

x) The ship —- (sink) in the ocean yesterday.

xi) They —- (build) a house next year.

xii) Ronit —- (send) the book next month.

xiii) I —- – (meet) the man eight years ago.

xiv) My elder brother —- (eat) fruit regularly.

xv) —- you ever —- (see) the Rangghar?

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct Wh-question words.

i) —- class do you read in?

iii) —- is the President of India?

iv) —- was the baby crying?

v) —- is the Talatalghar?

vi) —- is your birthday?

vii) —- novel by Enid Blyton do you like the most?

viii) —- many eggs did he buy?

ix) —- do you want to meet ?

x) —- shirt is this?

xi) —- With did you go there?

x) —- sugar do you want in your cup of tea?

xiii) —- has he come from?

xiv) —- do you go to school?

xv) —- much milk does she want?

  1. Write the types of the following sentences.

i) The sun rises in the east.

ii) At what time do you get up in the morning?

iii) May you be happy.

iv) They regularly go to the library.

v) What a lovely picture it is!

vi) Do you like ice cream?

vii) How beautiful the butterfly is!

viii) I often go to bed at 10 pm.

ix) Please bring me a glass of water.

x) May god bless you.

xi) Obey your parents.

xii) Don’t go out now.

xiii) Is your brother at home?

xiv) Rita did not go there yesterday.

xv) Does Hitesh play cricket?

  1. Put a, an or the in the blanks.

i) —- beautiful ring that the girl is wearing is made of gold.

ii) —- honest man is loved by all.

iii) We shall be back in —- hour.

iv) —- elephant is a big animal.

v) Give me —- blue cup that you kept on the table.

vi) The is —- useful animal.

vii) —- Ganges is a sacred river.

viii) Rajdhani Express is —- fastest train in India.

ix) English is the language of —- people of England.

x) He works in university in —- U.S.A.

xi) Amal reads —- Ramayana every day.

xii) She is —-M.A. in economics.

xiii) This is —- one-way road.

xiv) Her brother is N.C.C. cadet..

xv) My father is —- engineer.

  1. Choose the correct preposition from the alternatives given in brackets and fill in the blanks.

i) The pen is —- the drawer. (on/in)

ii) My sister is afraid —- dogs. (for/of)

iii) I don’t agree —- you. (to/with)

iv) The boy was sitting —- the two girls. (among/between)

v) The bird is sitting —- a branch of the tree. (on/for)

vi) The sky is —- our head. (on/over)

vii) Abdul Kalam was born —- Tamilnadu. (in/on)

viii) Someone is knocking —- he door. (at/over)

ix) What is the time —- your watch? (by/in)

x) He is not —- home now. (at/on)

xi) She is proud —- her success. (of/about)

xii) She died —- fever. (from/of)

xiii) They congratulated us —- our success. (at/on)

  1. Turn the following sentences into interrogatives.

i) He can read.

ii) She works in a hospital.

iii) Rita wrote the answer.

iv) They sang a song.

v) The boy drank the cup of tea.

vi) He helps the poor.

vii) Kabita draws nice pictures.

viii) My father drove the car vey fast.

ix) These children wash their hands before meals.

x) They travelled by bus. xi) Partha is a good swimmer.

xii) The students were playing in the field.

xiii) They go to school by bus.

  1. Turn the following sentences into negatives.

i) We visited Delhi last year.

ii) The girls danced very well.

iii) She eats an apple every day.

iv) My mother wrote the letter.

v) I watched that movie last year.

vi) Leena laughs loudly.

vii) She wears beautiful frocks.

viii) Krisha buys storybooks every month.

ix) The teacher knows the boy.

x) The boys can sing ‘Jyoti Sangeet’.

xi) Bhaswati was a good dancer.

xii) They are sitting in the room now.

xiii) I like mangoes.

Type By- Bikash Bora