AJB Class 8 English Chapter 7 Answer Why was Tom sick on Monday

Why was Tom sick on Monday


1.Answer the following questions. 

a) Why did Tom find Monday morning miserable ? 


b) Why was Tom envy of every boy at school? 


c) Why did Tom decide not to use the trick regarding the loose tooth at first ?


d )What did Sid tell Aunt Polly about Tom ? 


e) What was Aunt’s reaction to Tom’s ‘mortified’ toe? 


g)What was Tom’s compensation for losing the tooth?


h) What did Aunt do to Tom’s tooth?


j) Narrate how Tom tried to stay away from school on Monday morning.


2.Write true or false.

a) Tom disliked Monday mornings. 


b) Sid woke up at once hearing Tom’s groans. 


c Tom was suffering a lot. 


d) Sid became anxious at Tom’s condition. 


e) Aunt Polly caught Tom’s trick


f)Tom was successful in avoiding school.


3.Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.

 a) .The lucky’ thing that Tom discovered was one of his front teeth was loose.

 b). The dental instruments Aunt Polly got together were a silk thread and a chunk of fire.

c)Sid was anxious because Tom did not response.

d) Tom was envy of every boy he met because the gap in his upper row of teeth enabled him to spit in a new and admirable way.

Grammar and usage 

 4. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate correlatives from the box given below.

a) Though the picture was costly yet we bought it.

 b) Nosooner had he seen me than he fled

c) I like both painting and music. 

d) He worked so hard that he fell ill. 

e) Whether he supports us or not is not at all important.

5.Correct the following sentences. 

 a) Mr Smith is an European


b) He came today morning.  


c) One should do his duty. 


d )Please hear his advice.  


e ) Stop to write.


6.Find out the clauses from the following sentences and write them separately. 

 a) Rupam was singing and his sister was dancing.   


b)He is poor but happy.   


c) I know where he lives. 


d) This is the book that I bought yesterday. 

Ans: .

e) This is the shirt which I like.


7.Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined phrases with the correct words from the box below.

a) Mark Twain’s ability to form mental images or pictures helped him to narrate lively stories. 


b) Her love for her school was not artificial.  Ans: Her love for her school was genuine.

c) Ruma was worriedly waiting for her friend’s reply.


d )Aunt Polly forcibly caught Tom by his wrist.   


e) Tom held up his toe for being inspected.


8.Make sentences using the following words and phrases.



 He is presently a citizen of India.


By and by: By the by, tell me where are you going?

Make one’s flesh crawl: 

His groaning made my flesh crawl.

Nevertheless: Even tough she was very tired, she nevertheless played the game.