WBBSE Class 7 English Chapter 5 Solution | Bengali Medium

Class 7 Chapter 5 Solution


Very short Question Answer

(i) Do you have a picture on a wall of your house?

Ans. Yes, I have a picture of a scenery on a wall of our house.

(ii) Have you ever hung a picture? )

Ans. Yes, last year I hung a picture.

(iii) How do you hang a picture?

Ans. I hang a picture with nail and picture cord

 (a) Name the children of Uncle Podgier.

Ans. The names of the children of Uncle Podgier are Tom, Will and Maria.

(b) What did Uncle Podgier ask the children to bring for him?

Ans. Uncle Podgier asked the children to bring the hammer and the rule for him.

(e) Where did he find his coat?

Ans. Uncle Podgier would get up. Then he found that he had been sitting on it.

Short Question Answer

(c) How did Uncle Podgier cut himself?

Ans. Uncle Podgier would lift up the picture and drop it. The picture would come of frame. He would try to save the glass and cut himself.

(d) Why did Uncle Podgier want his coat?

Ans. Uncle Podgier cut himself. He would look for his handkerchief. But it was in the pocket of his coat. So he wanted his coat.

(a) Write two instances to show the carelessness of Uncle Podgier.

Ans. Uncle Podgier was a very careless fellow. Uncle Podgier would lose the mark on the wall. Carelessly, he would smash his thumb. These are two instances of carelessness of Uncle Podgier.

(b) What did Aunt Podgier do after Uncle Podgier smash his thumb?

Ans. Aunt Podgier could make arrangements to go to her mother’s house after Uncle Podgier smash his thumb again

(c) How did Uncle Podgier react after finishing the task?

Ans. Uncle Podger was satisfied after the task was

finished. He wondered why other people were called to do a little thing like hanging a picture.

(d) Why was everyone tired after Uncle Podgier put up the picture on the wall?
Ans. Uncle Podgier and other members tried hard till midnight to put the picture on the wall. So everyone was tired.

(i) How did Uncle Podgier hinder the other mem- beers in their search?

Ans: When the other members started looking for his coat, he would dance round and hinder them.

(ii) What would happen to the picture after Uncle Podgier drop it? What would Uncle Podgier do after cutting himself?

Ans: Uncle Podgier would drop the picture and it would come out of the frame he would try to save the glass and cut himself. After cutting himself, he would spring round the room, looking for his handkerchief.

(a) How did Uncle Podgier blow his hammer?

Ans: Uncle Podgier smashed his thumb with the first blow and dropped the hammer with a yell, on somebody’s toes

(b) What did Aunt Maria expect next time?

Ans: Aunt Maria expected next time, Uncle Podgier was going to hammer a nail into the wall he would let her know in time