WBBSE Class 7 English Chapter 11 Solution | Bengali Medium

Class 7 Chapter 11 Solution


Very Short Question Answer

(1) Who was Velar?

Ans. Vela was the old gardener and servant of the house.

(2) Did the tenants have any regard for the garden?

Ans. No, the tenants had no regard for the garden

(3) Did the owners of the house visit the house frequently?

Ans. No, the owners would pay rare visit to the house.

(1) Who bought the house?

Ans. A company bought the house.

(2) Did they need a garden?

Ans. They did not need a garden.

(3) What was the order of the company?

Ans. The company ordered the tree-cutters to cut the trees of the garden.

Short Question Answer

(4) What was Vela’s request to the tree. cutters?
Ans. Vela requested the tree-cutters to wait till he was gone far, far away. Short Question Answer

(4) How did the house acquire the reputation of a ‘Ghost house’?

Ans. The house remained deserted except the old gardener Vela. Years and years passed without any change. Thus the house acquired the reputation of a ‘Ghost House’

Ture And False

1. Vela was very happy in the big house.   True

 2. The other people of the big house were not so happy.  False

3. No tenant remained in the house for more than a few months. True.

4. People started avoiding the house. True