WBBSE Class 7 English Chapter 2 Solution | Bengali Medium

MCQs Question Answer

B. Tick (✔) the correct alternative:

(a) ‘The king of Kings’ refers to-

(i) Emperor Akbar

(ii) Emperor Sheahan

(iii) Emperor Humane

Ans. (i) Emperor Akbar  ✔)

(b) Akbar was walking-

(i) in his palace

(ii) by the sea

(iii) in his garden

Ans. (iii) in his garden ✔) 

(c) In Akbar’s garden, there were-

(i) both fruits and flowers

(ii) only fruit trees

(iii) only flowering plants

Ans. (i) both fruits and flowers  ✔) 

Fill in the Blanks

(iv) The boy —— (read) a story book yesterday (Fill in the blank with past continuous tense.)

Ans. The boy was reading a storybook yesterday.

1. Do as directed:

(i) This book is ——- and those books are

(Fill in the blanks with possessive pronouns)

Ans. mine, yours.

ii) Shyla is the ——- (thin) girl in the class. (Fill in  blank with proper degree of the adjective.) 

Ans. Shyla is the thinnest girl in the class. (superlative degree).

 (iii) The sleeping baby is looking beautiful. (Underline the participle adjective)

Ans. sleeping.

(v) He said, “I am busy.” (Change the mode of narration.)

Ans. He said that he was busy. 

(vi) (a) This is your book but where is mine? (Find out the possessive adjective and the possessive pronoun)

Ans. your —– Possessive adjective. mine Possessive pronoun.

(b) To learn my mother tongue I have to learn its alphabet.

Ans. my —-Possessive adjective.

 its —– Possessive pronoun.

(i) We should help our.————-

Ans: neighbours

(ii) I saw him drawing from the well.———–

Ans: water.

(iii) A young man in the crowd came protest.———— to

Ans: forward.

(i) ‘Your Majesty refers to Akbar.

(ii) Birbal advised Akbar to call his courtiers together.

(iii) Birbal smiled when he heard that some said, ‘bullock carts’ other said, ‘horses’.

B. Tick (✔) the correct answer from the given alternative: (a) Akbar was troubled by –

(i) his courtiers, (ii) a question,  ☑, (c) his family members

b) The fastest thing on earth is – 

(i) the human mind ☑, (ii) bullock cart (iii) horse

(d) Hearing the question that was troubling Akbar, the courtiers were –

(1) indifferent

(i) certain

(iii) confused  ☑,

C. Write T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements:

(i) None of the courtiers could answer the question. (T)

Birbal was puzzled to answer the question of the king. (F)

There is nothing faster than mind. (T)

Long Question Answer

1. Read the passage and answer questions that follow:

Birbal said, “Is that all, your Majesty? Call your courtiers together. Let us see if one of them can answer. If not, then I am certain I can tell you of the fastest thing on the planet.

At the king’s court, many heard the question that was troubling Akbar. Most were puzzled. Some said bullock carts’, others said ‘horses’. But Birbal smiled at them. After everyone had failed to satisfy Emperor Akbar, Birbal offered to answer his questions. He said, “Your Majesty, it is the human mind.

2. Read the passage and answer the questions oven below:

A man came forward from the audience. He claimed this neighbours had sold him his well. Now when he wanted to draw water from the well, his neighbours wanted charge him money for it. After being summoned to the court his neighbours argued that he had just sold him the well, not the water in it.

3. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:

The neighbours realized that he was outwitted and withdrew his claim immediately. All around, people were amazed at the wisdom of Birbal and the speed of the human mind that has the ability to solve a problem instantly. Truly, there was nothing faster than it.

Very Short Question Answer

(a) What did Emperor Akbar love?

Ans. The emperor Akbar loved arts, science, literature and music.

(c) Who was Birbal?

Ans. Birbal we What were things that Akbar’s garden had?

(a) What did Emperor Akbar love?

Ans. The emperor Akbar loved arts, science, literature

Short Question Answer

(a) Can you name any other famous emperor of India?
Ans. Another famous emperor of India was Aladdin Kahili.

(b) Why would a person be called a ‘gem’?

Ans. A person is called a ‘gem’ for his proficiency in any sphere of knowledge.

(c) Can you name any other ‘gem’ of Akbar’s court other than Birbal?

Ans. ‘Tannen’ was another gem of Akbar’s court. He was a composer, musician and singer of the Indian classical music.

(c) Who was Birbal?

Ans. Birbal was one of the most trusted and favourite minister of Emperor Akbar.

(a) What are you doing?
In both these sentences, we find that the action is in progress. When we express a present, on going action, We use Present Continuous Tense. The form that is used for this Tense is-is/am/are + verb + ing.

(i) Who withdrew his claim and why?

Ans: The neighbours realized that he was outwitted so he withdrew his claim immediately. 

|(i) Who withdrew his claim and why?

Ans: The neighbours realized that he was outwitted so he withdrew his claim immediately. 

(i) Who withdrew his claim and why?

Ans: The neighbours realized that he was outwitted so he withdrew his claim immediately. 

(i) Who withdrew his claim and why?

Ans: The neighbours realized that he was outwitted so he withdrew his claim immediately. 

(ii) People were amazed at what?
People were amazed at the wisdom of Birbal and the speed of the human mind that has the ability to solve a problem instantly.

|(i) Who withdrew his claim and why?

Ans: The neighbours realized that he was outwitted so he withdrew his claim immediately. 

(i) Who withdrew his claim and why?

Ans: The neighbours realized that he was outwitted so he withdrew his claim immediately. 

(i) Who withdrew his claim and why?

Ans: The neighbours realized that he was outwitted so he withdrew his claim immediately. 

(ii) People were amazed at what?

Ans: People were amazed at the wisdom of Birbal and the speed of the human mind that has the ability to solve a problem instantly.

B. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements:
(i) The man paid his neighbours water rent for taking water. F

(ii) Birbal was able to satisfy the court by his wise reply.  T

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