WBBSE Class 7 English Chapter 8 Solution | Bengali Medium

Class 7 Chapter 8 Solution


Very Short Question Answer

(a) Can you name a mythological story that you have read or heard? Ask your friend also to name one such story.

Ans. The name of such a mythological story is ‘Brittasur Sachar’

Short Question Answer

(a) Why did Ceres feel very sad in the morning?)

Ans. Ceres searched for her daughter Proserpine for the whole night. But she could not find Proserpine. So Ceres felt very sad in the moping.

(b) Why was there a severe famine all over the world?

Ans. Ceres lost her daughter Proserpine. She neglected all her work on earth. As a result, crops failed everywhere. Famine broke out all over the world.

(c) Briefly narrate what the nymph of the fountain told Ceres.

Ans. The nymph narrated Proserpine’s condition in Pluto’s kingdom. She was sitting on a throne there. She also told that Proserpine’s cheeks were pale. Her eyes were heavy with tears.

(d) Why was Proserpine bound to live for six months in the underground kingdom?

Ans. Proserpine ate six pomegranate seeds in the land of death. For every one of those seeds, she had to spend a month there. So, Proserpine was bound to live for six months in the underground kingdom.

Ture And False

(a) Ceres had little role to play in the lives of the people on earth. [False]

(b) Ceres was extremely fond of her fair daughter. [True]

(c) When Pluto first saw Proserpine she was helping her mother in the field.[False]

(d) Pluto thought Proserpine’s beauty would brighten his dark kingdom. [True](e) Proserpine threw away her girdle because she did not require it in Pluto’s Kingdom. [False]