WBBSE Class 6 English Chapter 1 Solution | Bengali Medium

Class 6 English Chapter 1 Solution

 It All Began With Drip Drip

Short Question Answer

a. Why was Bholenath full of despair?
Ans: As Bholenath did not know how to ride a horse, he was full of despair.

b. How did his wife help him to overcome his trouble?
Ans: His wife securely tied him to the horse with a rope.

c. Why was Bholenath full of despair?
Ans: As Bholenath did not know how to ride a horse, he was full of despair.

d. Why did Bholenath bring the tiger home?
Ans: At night Bholenath thought that the tiger was his lost donkey. So, he brought it home.

e. What made the neighbours come running out of their huts?

Ans: Hearing the scream of Bholenath’s wife, the neighbours came running out of their huts.

f. Why were the villagers relieved?
Ana: Having been disturbed and confused by the people, the tiger ran away to the jungle. So, all the villagers were relieved.

g. How did the king reward Bholenath for his bravery?
Ans: The king made Bholenath the Commander-in- chief of his army. He gave him and his wife a huge house to live in. Thus, the king rewarded Bholenath for his bravery.

h. What made the enemy soldiers greatly scared?
Ans: As the enemy soldiers saw a wild-looking man tied to a fierce stallion with branches of trees in his hands, they were greatly scared.

i. Do you think Bholenath could truly be called a legendary character? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: In fact Bholenath could not be truly called a legendary character. He was a very character. He got all success by chance. The fact was not clear to the villagers, the king, the public and even the enemy soldiers.

j. What do you think would Bholenath’s reaction be if he knew that the animal ‘huddled in the dark’ was actually a tiger?
Ans: Bholenath knew that the animal was his donkey. If he found that it was a tiger, he would rush away in fear of death shouting.

k. Do you think Bholenath could truly be called a legendary character? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: In fact Bholenath could not be truly called a legendary character. He was a very character. He got all success by chance. The fact was not clear to the villagers, the king, the public and even the enemy soldiers.

Long Question Answer

a. Tell the class how’drip-drip’ changed Bholenath’s life, from being a potter to a Commander-in- chief of the king’s army.
Ans: It was the ‘drip-drip’ that made a tiger frightened very much. The tiger seemed to be a donkey to Bholenath, a potter in the dark night. He thought that the tiger was his lost donkey. Bholenath dragged the tiger home and kept it tied with a hard rope to a tree near his hut. This news spread everywhere. The king was highly impressed to hear the news of Bholenath’s bravery. So he was made the Commander- in-chief of the king’s army.

b. Imagine you are caught in a storm while returning home one night. Write a short paragraph in about sixty words describing your experience. Use the following hints
Ans: Once I was returning from my aunt’s house. On the way home I experienced a heavy shower which came down from the black clouds with thunder and lightning. At the same time the wind began to blow with a high speed. I was alone. Nobody was seen nearby. I had to take shelter in an abandoned house. I came back home on foot completely drenched.

c. Suppose you are Rima. Your grandfather is Raghunath Jha. Write a short paragraph in about six sentences about your family.
Ans: I am Rima. I live with my parents, grandparents, uncle, aunt, brother and one cousin. My parents are Sundarlal and Rajani. Father is a farmer while my mother is a homemaker. Sabita, a potter, is my aunt. My uncle, Birendralal, is a postman. Brother Ramu and I are school students, but my cousin Damu is a college student. Raghunath Jha is my grandfather and Banidebi Jha is my grandmother.

True and False

a. Bholenath did not know how to ride a horse.    True

S. S.: He told his wife helplessly, “I don’t even know how to ride a horse.”

b. The king sent Bholenath a magnificent elephant. False

S. S.: The king sent Bholenath a magnificent stallion.

c. The enemy soldiers were happy to see Bholenath. False

S. S.: The enemy soldiers were afraid to see Bholenath.

d. Bholenath defeated the enemy soldiers single-handedly. False

S. S.: They were overcome with fear and instantly ran away without putting up a fight.

Underline the words that indicate a group of people, animals or things taken as a whole

Ans: (i) I saw a crowd in front of the shop.

(ii) A herd of cattle is passing by.

(iii) Our school cricket team has won.

(iv) A bunch of flowers was kept in the vase.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate collective nouns given in the Help Box. One is done for you (Help Box- collective noun-

Ans: (i) A posse of policemen marched by.
(ii) I bought a bunch of grapes from the market.

(iii) A flock of sheep was grazing in the field.

(iv) I saw a swarm of bees buzzing around.
(v) The class is very noisy.

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