Class 9 English Book Chapter 10 Kathmandu M.C.Q Short Question Answer | Class 9 Lesson 10 Short Question Answer|

1. Why does the author find himself unable to tear away from the square?

a. There were many things to eat

b. The flute music was very sweet

c. He was watching a magic show

Ans: b. The flute music was very sweet

2. The flutes on the pole of fruit seller are compared to 

a. A beehive

b. Guils of a porcupine

c. A bunch of orangese

Ans: b. Guils of a porcupine

3. The streets of kathmandu are-

a. Norrwest

b. Errowest

c. None of the above

Ans: a. Norrwest

4. What atmosphere is the there around the baudnath stupa-

a. a sense of stillness

b. febrile confusion

c. all of the above

Ans: a. a sense of stillness

5. What will happen when the small shrine on the bagmati river bank will emerge fully

a. a new god will appear

b. the new era will start

c. the evil period of the kaliyug will end

Ans: c. the evil period of the kaliyug will end

6. What atmosphere is there near the pushupatinath temple

a. discilpine

b. febrile confusion

c. peaceful

Ans: b. b. febrile confusion

7. which famous Hindu temple is situated in kathmandu

a. Kedanath

b. pushupatinath

c. jagannath

Ans: b. pushupatinath

8. Kathmandu is the capital city of-

a. china

b. nepal

c. bhutan

Ans: b. nepal

9. which flute was he selling

a. The reedneh

b. The recorder

c. All of the above

Ans: c. All of the above

10. Author return to delhi from nepal

a. by bus

b. by train

c. by plane

Ans: c. by plane

11. The writer vikram seth like very much-

a. talking

b. scenic beauty

c. travelling

Ans: c. travelling

12.Fighting outside pashupatinath temple-

a. two monkeys

b. two men

c. two women

Ans: a. two monkeys

13. The author see an immense white dome-

a. at pashupatinath temple

b. in the street the buddhnath stupa

Ans: c. in the buddhnath stupa

14. The Japanese shakuhachi is-

a. a japanese toy

b. a japanese player

c. a kind of flute

Ans: c. a kind of flute

15. The author see at the Buddhnath Stupa is-

a. A white dome ringed by a road

b. amall shops

c. All of the above

Ans: c. All of the above

16. What is a flute

a. A toy

b. a log piece with holes in it

c. a basic musical instrument

Ans: c. a basic musical instrument

17. What kind of streets are there in Kathmandu?

a. Wide

b. narrow and full of life

c. clean

Ans: b. narrow and full of life

18. What was there at the banks of river Bagmati

a. A church

b. a submerged temple

c. a mosque

Ans: b. a submerged temple

19. What is kaliyug as per Hindu Mythology?

a. Era of sins

b. Modern era

c. Mythology era

Ans: a. Era of sins

20. Tell the other names of the flute

a. Bansuri

b. Murli

c. All of the above

Ans: c. All of the above