Jatilao/Panilao, English Name: Bottle gourd, Scientific Name: Lagenaria siceraria

Nature: A large leafy tree that grows far and wide is a creeper- like one-year-old tree. The large fruit has its neck in shape and can be eaten in a tender state. Its stem and leaves have fine trunks.

Qualities: Jatilao contains a lot of fine nutrients (micro-nutrients such as gold, silver, tin, molybdonum) which are needed in small quantities by our body. Leaf juice is beneficial in jaundice. Cooked as a leafy vegetable, beautiful skin, increasing eyesight, keeping nerves strong, preventing heart disease, relaxing muscles, eliminating constipation, strengthening the body, strengthening bones etc. affect our well-being. Eating lao keeps our body and mind cool. A person who rises from naria can be fed the jatilao curry fearlessly. Jatila is also very beneficial for people with heart disease as they are low in carbohydrates or fat.

Cuisine: It is cooked and eaten as a tender leaf or agar vegetable. Everything, including the bark, leaves or foregrounds, is eaten. Lao can be eaten in many ways. It is also satisfying to make and eat lao bark chutney. Apart from this, many delicious food items like lao bhaji, churha, laor payas, koptas etc. can be prepared and eaten. Any live fish meal is eaten with jaatilao with tomato or other sour dough.