Some Information in the lemon meat polao | How to Make make lemon meat pulao .

Lemon meat polao

Ingredients: Basmati or jaha rice, meat, onion, a piece of ginger, a few coriander seeds, a small amount of cinnamon, a little sugar, salt to taste, 1 or 2 lemons, cardamom, garlic, long – size. A few nuts, a saffron – soak a spoon of rice in the milk.

System: Cut the meat to taste, cut onion and ginger. Add water and onions to the meat and tie coriander seeds, ginger and cinnamon in the middle of the meat, boil the meat, to make sure that the meat is halved. When the meat is cooked, squeeze the spices. Then add sugar and data lemon juice to meat and boil for a while over low heat. Mix the remaining lemon juice and boil the rice half, then take away the rice water, if necessary. Heat butter or butter or butter or refined oil in a saucepan, add cardamom, garlic, long and fried with meat and half cooked rice and fried nuts and saffron. Cook over low heat and cook until the water is dry. Serve while it is hot.

Language : English